Saturday, January 4, 2014

iOS 7 Jailbreak Tweaks

Evasi0n has released the Jailbreak for iOS 7 last December, and Saurik already released the latest mobile substrate (Cydia Substrate 0.9.500) that support the latest version of jailbreak, and the compatible tweak list is growing more and more.

This is my first time using Apple device and of course my 1st jailbroken iPhone 5 on iOS 7.0.4. Jailbreak process just spend your 5-7 minutes times, just have a cup of tea and it's jailbroken. Visit the link here for the Evasi0n Jailbreak tool.

Jailbreak Tutorial: For Windows  For Mac 

Credit to iClarified > Push notification from iClarified keep me updated on all the latest news ;-)

Below are the tweaks that i'm using right now - * I will post the screenshots later on:-
Tweaks i listed below is tested in my own iPhone 5 & compatible for iPhone 5. For other phone, i'm not sure. :-(

1. Battery Safe (BigBoss Repo) - Lower the brightness, deactivate wifi and bluetooth when your battery reach certain % you preset. It's free.

2. biteSMS ( repo) - Highly recommend to replace the stock sms. Rich in features and absolutely free. 

3. CC Deseparator (Big Boss repo) - remove the separator in your Control Center. It's look cool without those lines. (Free)

4.CCControl (ModMyi Repo) - Add, customize the features, looks and feels for the toggles in your Control Center. (Free)

5. CCQuick (BigBoss repo) - Quick setting from your Control Center. Home Button, Respring button, Springboard Settings and Kill All BG apps as well. (Free)

6. CustomLS (BigBoss repo) - Customize your iPhone lock screen. Change the slide to unlock test, remove the NC and CC grabber or hide the camera grabber. (Free)

7.DockShift (Big Boss repo) - Change iOS7 dock background. (Free)

8. f.lux (Cydia/Telesphoreo) - Warm your screen to match your lighting at night for more comfort viewing. (Free)

9. FakeCarrier (BigBoss Repo) - Change carrier name to your favourite text. (Free)

10. Five Icon Dock (Cydia/Telesphoreo) - Increase the current dock icon to 5 icons. Partially supported as the layout is broken (Free)

11.Flipswitch (BigBoss Repo) - Centralize toggles for Control Center. Enable 3G, LTE, VPN, Rotation and etc from your CC. (Free)

12. HiddenSBSettings for iOS 7 (CydiaHacks Repo) - Enable the hidden springboard setting in iPhone 5 or higher. Add more customisation  to your springboard. (Free)

13. iCleaner Pro (Exile90 repo - - Clean your phone and free up lots of memory in your phone. This app is greats and its FREE!!!!

14. LocallAPStore (Bite Your Apple repo - - Enable the in-app purchase for free. :-) and it's free. *Supported for most apps, but not all, try yourself and update here.

15. Menu Button Emulator (BigBoss Repo) - Annoying assistive touch on your phone? Replace it with the home button emulator. (Free)

16. NCALLOnly (BigBoss Repo) - Remove the Today & MIssed Tab from your NC. (Free)

17. NoSlowAnimations (BigBoss Tweaks) - speed up the transition in iOS7. Works charm!! Enable "Reduce Motion" first for the significant improvement. (Free)

18. SwipeSelection (BigBoss Repo) - Swipe on your keyboard to move the cursor or highlight the text. Very useful and helpful. (Free)

19. Swipey (Bite Your Apple repo - - Quick Launcher on iOS7 lockscreen. (free)

20.SwitchSpring (BigBoss Repo) - Kill all BG apps or respring by swiping the springboard from the app switcher. (Free)

21. TinyBar (Alex Zielenski Repo - - Replace the giant & annoying notification bar with the tiny bar. Recommend** (Free)

22. TransparentVolume (ModMyi Repo) - Adjust the transparency of the volume control background. (Free)

** For those who use Winterboard on iPhone 5, it crashed my iPhone 5 and boot into safe mode while i'm using the spotlight search. Problem solved after i remove Winterboard.

**Above tweaks is just the recommendation and please use it in your own risk. I'm not responsible on any damages or problems happened on your phone. ;-)

I will add in more tweaks once i tested it out. The screenshots will be uploaded once i'm free to screenshot all the tweaks GUI. 



  1. Thank you for this useful post ! you can check my latest post if you want it might be interesting for people who doesn't know how to jailbreak iphone 5 iOS 8.3
